Our Technologies

We use the best materials and latest technology:
Our innovative treatment protocols have been adapted by practices throughout the US and even abroad.  We have the expertise to determine what will work best in your individual case. We also have access to the very latest technologies from local antibiotic therapies, to laser therapy to ultrasonic instrumentation.

Why Deep Cleaning Usually Does Not Solve the Problem
The whole idea of "deep cleaning" (root scraping or rootplaning) was based on the assumption that bacteria which migrate under the gumline can calcify and form tartar.  Tartar was thought to be the main culprit in causing gum disease.  The intent with deep cleaning was to get as much of the tartar off of the roots as possible.  It turns out that tartar is only part of the story.  With new information about the causes of gum disease there is no mystery as to why most "deep cleanings" rarely allow complete resolution of gum disease. 

Bacteria in the mouth are in the form of a biofilm.  Biofilm is a term that describes the microscopic arrangement of bacteria when it gets below the gumline.  When biofilm grows on a root surface, not all it calcifies and forms tartar.  You can remove all the tartar and still have biofilm present. 

Gum disease rarely causes symptoms.  Most people have it and do not even know it.  Often only a dentist or hygienist can tell if you have any gum inflammation.  We used to think that untreated gum disease leads to jaw bone deterioration and tooth loss.  While that's still true, we now know that the problem is more serious than that.  Ongoing gum disease significantly increases your risk for more serious chronic diseases of aging.

Inflamed gums are no longer an effective barrier to the penetration of bacteria into your blood stream.  When your gums are inflamed bacteria from the mouth can easily pass through the inflamed gums and get directly into your blood stream daily.  Some of those bacteria can adversely affect other disease processes.  People walking around without any tooth or mouth pain, but with ongoing gum disease, are at an increased risk for heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and even some types of cancers.

To eliminate gum disease all of the bacterial biofilm has to be removed from root surfaces.  Removing the tartar that is visible is easy.  Removal of the remaining disease-causing biofilm bacteria,  while completely painless to the patient, requires considerable expertise, experience and skill.

The ideal approach to treating gum disease is to use well-honed diagnostic skills to map out exactly where in your mouth (in the gum adjacent to which teeth), gum disease is present.  Then, the most appropriate method for effective interruption of the bacterial biofilm should be selected.  Fortunately, there are newer innovative treatments, all of which can be accomplished without any discomfort. 

Simply putting the instrument against the tooth giving it a few good scrapes doesn't cut it anymore.  If you have had deep cleaning in the past you may still need further treatment to eliminate any persistent gum disease.  Your oral and overall health will benefit.